Saturday, August 06, 2005

And the skies opened...

When I was biking home one day from my cousin's house I got caught in a sudden downpour. In a blink of an eye the skies darkened and sheets of rain came down upon my head. Confused, and drawing upon the vast wisdom a nine year old had amassed, I decided to make a break for it and sped up my pedalling -- and promptly planted my front wheel in a pothole.

'Shhhhsssssttttt!', went the air from my tire.

'Waaaaaahhhhh!', bawled the soaked child in the rain.

Moral of the story, when making decisions it's sometimes better to wait for the rain to stop pouring.

Childhood trauma notwithstanding, I love rainy days (But as Carla said, not too many days in a row or else nakakadepress). I find tremendous comfort in the pitter-patter sound upon the roof, and how the airconditioning cools several degrees the moment the sky darkens. And in this dark cool cocoon that is my room, I pick up a book and open my soul to new worlds.


Blogger Gabriel said...

i thought this post was going to be about this myth-busters show pat saw that one get less wet walking in the rain than running :)

well i love days and days of rain :)
it doesn't depress me as much as those terribly hot days :(

i love to read too in the comfort of the cool-darkness
i also love to write, watch movies, listen to music etc...

6:25 AM  

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