Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Midnight Rides

Midnight rides have an all new meaning for me. Gone are the days when this would connote road trips to Tagaytay, stars overhead and beer in the trunk.

Gone are the days when this would mean that the beach was beckoning, friends singing summer songs in the backseat, and waves lapping upon the shore.

Today a midnight ride means my baby daughter is crying in the backseat while my wife drives around our village, waiting for the movement of the car to lull the wailing child to sleep.

Funny how all of this makes me smile.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

out on a limb

I am putting up a magazine with a group of friends.

Nothing fancy, just a bunch of guys who are passionate about something and are looking to share the passion with the rest of the world. *shudder*

There is an underlying terror that accompanies endeavors of great personal weight, the monster underneath the bed who whispers, "You will never be good enough for that which you are passionate most about."

I need a sword.